Training Principles
Training successful track athletes isn't as simple as "running them more."
To create the best versions of our athletes, we spend time training for holistic athleticism, using the elements of speed, strength, power, and coordination, as well as traditional skill development.
"Train, Don't Strain."
-Arthur Lydiard
Our Training Elements
Max Speed is the core of our program: a better MaxV means faster sub-max speeds as well.
Whether its 10m Flys, 40yd sprints, or hurdle hops, all our athletes (regardless of event) will spend time developing max velocity and reactive speed.
The ability to process information and increase body awareness helps our athletes learn better, react smoother, and maintain form easier. Using reaction drills, isometrics, and drills like constraint sprints, our athletes learn to coordinate movements more athletically.
Power: the Marriage of Speed and Strength.
Using drills like Resisted Sprints, 10-20yd accelerations, and Weighted Jumps, in addition to lifting sub-max loads at max-speed, our athletes train their muscles to not only fire fast, but powerfully.
Physical qualities mean nothing without the ability to express them on the track. Beyond our base of athleticism, our athletes will continue to work on skill-based drills that contribute to their running, such as variations of bounding, marches, switches, and hops.
Stronger muscles give our athletes greater potential for force, which increases the chance for faster times.
Our athletes will spend time lifting using eccentric, isometric, and dynamic variations on lunges, deadlifts, step-ups, and more, putting on lean muscle that contributes to their athleticism.